Monday, June 20, 2016

Guest column: Summer safety tips

Please share with family and friends the following summer safety tips:
  1. Drink water;
  2. Visit elderly people who live alone;
  3. While vacationing, have mail and newspaper deliveries stopped;
  4. Ladies: have a used pair of men's work boots on your porch;
  5. Call your local police department and have your home placed on special attention
  6. Place an alarm company sign in the front yard;
  7. Surveillance cameras are helpful on the home;
  8. Cut shrubs, trees, and grass on a regular basis;
  9. Introduce yourself to neighbors and tell them what you want them to know (i.e. my nephew is a police commissioner);
  10. Have your lighting/sprinkler system on a timer;
  11. Fireworks are dangerous, be careful;
  12. Basketball hoops and illegally opened fire hydrants should be reported immediately;
  13. Squatting is illegal, call the police;
  14. Don't get directly involved in police a good witness instead;
  15. When throwing away boxes from expensive purchases, reduce boxes to fit in trash cans;
  16. Get a shredder for old paperwork to reduce the chance of identity theft;
  17. Change up your travel pattern, times of departure and arrival times;
  18. Stop telling people all of your business;
  19. Don't volunteer information over the telephone; and
  20. Don't leave items you care about to be kept in open view for all to see
IMPORTANT: This is going to be a hot summer.....please look after each other!!!!

This guest column was submitted by Commissioner Ricardo Moore, who represents the Warrendale and surrounding neighborhoods on the Detroit Police Commission.

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