Tuesday, November 20, 2018

UFOs come to Detroit

Alien fantasy - Photo from Pixabay
My closest friends, family, and work colleague already know about this. However, I figure it's time for the entire world to know: I have written a science-fiction novel entitled The Roswell Chronicles and it has been published in both Kindle and paperback formats.

The Roswell Chronicles series tells the story of Samantha Haut and her cousins as they find themselves caught between a group of greedy Wall Street bankers and some pissed off aliens from outer space.

Ever since the Roswell crash in 1947, the Haut family has secretly held onto a series of journals that contain details of advanced alien technology. Whenever the family has needed money, they quietly sold one of the inventions in those pages.

This is fine until an investment banking executive learns about these journals, steals them, and begins selling the technology much faster to generate more profits.

The problem here is that the Haut family was never supposed to have those journals. They were supposed to be returned to the aliens more than a half-century ago under the terms of the secret Roswell Treaty between the aliens and the United States government. If and when the aliens learn that those journals are still in existence - which becomes much more likely once a whole bunch of their technology hits the market - they will undoubtedly be back.

And they won't be happy.

Cover of the Kindle edition of
The Roswell Chronicles
The Roswell Chronicles is currently available on Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle formats. Readers can actually see the first chapter of my novel for FREE on Amazon.com by simply clicking where it says "look inside", which is right above the image of my book.

I want to thank everyone in advance for taking a look at my science-fiction novel The Roswell Chronicles, which is available here. The first few reviews of my book have been glowing. I'm actually a little surprised by all of the unsolicited 5-star reviews that readers have given it so far.

I may be a little biased - or maybe even more than a little - but I believe that The Roswell Chronicles would make for an excellent Christmas gift for anyone on your list who loves to read.

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