Sunday, December 02, 2018

When the space station zooms over Detroit

The International Space Station - Public domain image by NASA
I am a space nerd. Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that this Blogmas, it's my pleasure to weave the International Space Station into this challenge.

The International Space Station is the third brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. Since the station is continuously in orbit around our planet, it can frequently be seen by the naked eye from the ground.

In fact, the International Space Station can be seen zooming through the skies over Warrendale and the rest of Detroit as often as 15 times each day. It's easiest to see at night but the space station even been seen during the daytime as well since it is - as I mentioned above - the third brightest object in our sky.

There are only two things that would ever interfere with those of us on the ground in Detroit from seeing it regularity: clouds and not knowing when and where to look. Unfortunately, as of this writing, I do not have any control over the first barrier.

However, it's relatively easy to know when and where the International Space Station will be in the sky overhead. NASA has created a website called Spot the Station to help everyone see it. They even have a short tutorial that teaches you how to spot the station when it is overhead.

Happy Blogmas, everyone! Enjoy spotting the International Space Station in the skies over Detroit - or wherever you might be reading this from.

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