Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Let Louisiana Be "Free"

The State of Louisiana collects $1.78 from the U.S. Treasury for every $1 they pay in federal taxes, according to a report published by Business Insider. After the election last week, Michael E. from Slidell, Louisiana started a petition for the Pelican State to leave the Union. Quite frankly, this is the equivalent of a dead-beat moocher promising to never try to borrow money from you again.

Please take a moment to sign this petition. I doubt Louisiana will actually leave. After all, people who are getting free money rarely stop taking it. Regardless, I think it'll be fun to see where this leads us.

The petition is on-line here.

Update @ 10:56 a.m.
I came across this story over the weekend, but didn't want to publish something this controversial during a national holiday. I thus held the story until this morning, when Blogger published it for me automatically at 8:30 a.m. There have, however, been several developments since I drafted this story.

Since then, residents of more than twenty other states have drafted similar petitions on the White House's We the People site. As of this moment, only the petition to allow Texas to succeed has garnered the 25,000 signatures required by the White House for this to be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, one of those states with a petition in the works is Michigan. The petition was started by Lynn B., who would not confirm where he or she lives. We don't know if this person actually lives in Michigan. Regardless, I have to say that I am profoundly disappointed in this.

It's one thing when freeloading states have a petition like this. I don't expect anything less from them. However, we're Michigan. We are better than this.

Update @ 11:06 a.m.
There is now a petition on the White House's site to strip everyone who signed one of those succession petitions of their citizenship and exile them. It's on-line here.

I don't think this petition will go any further than the succession petitions. However, I like the idea of fighting fire with fire.

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